Affiliate Marketing VS Dropshipping Which Is Better

Affiliate Marketing VS Dropshipping Which Is Better In 2024

Affiliate Marketing VS Dropshipping Which Is Better In 2024-

The Internet has changed the way we shop and everyone wants to do Online Shopping these days.   With just a few clicks anyone can order the product they want and this pattern has given the opportunity to a number of new sellers.  Not only online shopping but online selling is also attracting everyone, especially the youngsters are very much interested in starting their own online store to sell products. 

Well, the idea is great to start an online shopping store but there are many challenges. These challenges start from managing the capital first and then keeping the inventory and then customer acquisition, shipping, and the list goes on. 

For any new seller that wants to sell products online, it is very difficult to manage all these and this is where the idea of starting a store gets buried. So

Affiliate Marketing VS Dropshipping Which Is Better In 2024?

Well Affiliate Marketing and  Dropshipping are the two great business models in 2024 to solve this major issue.  If you have the required skills then you can also start your own online shopping store without managing the inventory and shipping etc. 

The most important thing about these two business models is that they do not require very much capital or initial investment. You can even start without any money however if you want to take this as a business then a small investment may be required. 

Now comes to the main question “Affiliate Marketing VS Dropshipping Which Is Better In 2024”, To understand this first let’s see what are these two and how they work. 

What is Affiliate Marketing:

As suggested by its name, the primary focus in this business model would be the marketing of the products sold by someone else. 

A seller out there will be having a website and selling their product online, you just need to promote their product and if you are able to get them a sale, you will get a fixed inventive or commission.

Sounds interesting right?  Yes, this is one of the most perfect ways of earning money online where you just act as an affiliate marketer and earn good sales incentives or commissions. 

There are total of 4 primary points that you need to keep in mind before opting for Affiliate Marketing over Dropshipping. 

1-No Inventory Management or Order Tracking:

You heard it right, you do not even need to keep tracking of the order as your work is just to get the customer to the seller’s website or portal and let them buy the product they want. The responsibility of fuilfilment is on the seller.   You will just act as a mediator that will introduce the customer to the merchant. The customer will place the order directly with the merchant and once the order is delivered you will get your commission to your bank account automatically.

2-Listing the Products:

This is the primary and only focus area you need to work on. You need to choose the products you want to promote and that can be done by any method like Blog, Website, Youtube Video, Email Marketing, or WhatsApp. 

The seller will provide you with predefined banners or images with the hyperlink enabled on them or just the link of the product that you can use as want.

These links are specially designed for you and if the customer clicks on them to buy something then you will automatically get the commission against that sale.

3-Earning from your Affiliate Links:

In Affiliate Marketing you earn a fixed or pre-decided amount on a product sale.  The commission may be different for different products. You need to review the commission percentage of the product before you promote it so you can control your earning potential.  Make sure you promote the product related to your audience that you engage through your Blog or Video as this will increase the chances to convert more sales.

4-No Control Over Customer Experience:

As you are not responsible for the fulfillment of the order so you will have no control over the customer experience.  When the customer clicks on the affiliate link, the customer will be redirected to the seller’s website to complete the purchase. The customer service and fulfillment will be handled by the seller itself.

Affiliate Marketing VS Dropshipping Which Is Better In 2024? I am sure you are already liking the Affiliate Marketing but I would suggest understanding the Dropshipping first before making any decision. 

What is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is the new business model in comparison to Affiliate Marketing and gives you much more earning potential. If you really want to build an online store then this is the thing to do for you.

Dropshipping is the process where you do not own the product in your position and you do not need to manage the inventory. You also do not need to manage the shipping.  Now you must be thinking it is just like Affiliate Marketing but wait it has more to know and I am sure you will love it as it has more potential to fulfill your dream of making an online store.   

Here are the key steps involved in drop shipping in comparison to Affiliate Marketing. 

1-Product selecting and Making the Pricing:

In Affiliate Marketing it is decided what products they want you to list as an affiliate marketer whereas in dropshipping you can decide on your own what products you want to sell on your website. 

The main difference here in dropshipping is that the product is sold by you to your customer and the seller does not interact with the customer. You will still not do that shipping and inventory management. 

You can tie up with the merchant or seller and once you do that, they will give you access to their products and you can import their products to your website with a single click. When the product is imported to your website then it will be listed to sell.

You will decide the pricing of the product and also the SKUs.  ( Number of items you want to show as available to sell however physical inventory will be with the seller itself.

2-Building a Brand:

As you are the one selling the product to your customer so you will have the chance to build a brand and customer base for your brand. 

You will list the product on your website by importing it from the seller portal.  The customer will place the order from your online store and you will be the one to receive the payment and the customer shipping information.

Once the order is received, you will forward that order to the seller for further fulfillment. It will be the same order that you will place for your customer with the seller on behalf of your customer. 

3-Customer Support:

As for the customer, you are the one selling the product so it is your responsibility to provide the customer service and tracking information to your customer.

When you will place the order for your customer on the seller portal, you will get the tracking information that you can further share with your customer.

Remember, providing the best customer service will increase your repeat order which is very important in online selling. 

4-Marging and Profit Control:

You will have the option to set the price of the product on your website and you can sell it at your own pricing. The difference between your pricing on your website and the price you will pay to the seller for order fulfillment is your profit. 

You will have full control over your earning potential and decide the merging accordingly. 


Affiliate Marketing VS Dropshipping Which Is Better In 2024

It depends on your skill set and the efforts that you want to put in. Affiliate marketing does not require any additional work but just you need to do what you are doing like Blog, YouTube  Etc. You will just add the affiliate link to send the potential customers to the merchant to complete the sale and your work is done.   

On the other hand, Dropshipping requires more effort like Managing an online store where Customers can experience online shopping seamlessly. You will also provide customer service to your customer and the order forwarding to the seller is also needed.  With all these efforts you get much more what you ask as you will be working as branded E-Commerce Store. 

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